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Psycho (1960)

Visitor Comments

Great movie.........but idk about it being scary.....
Added by LJ3   on 2009-08-04 17:53:49

Maybe it was because of all the horror movies I've seen, or because I'm only 16 xD but I wouldn't exactly say Psycho was the scariest horror movie I've ever seen. I would agree though it's the best horror movie.........but not the scariest. I found the plot a tad too predictable.


I have never heard of this movie before but my mother rented, it telling me it was supposed to be a fantastic movie. So we watched it together, and I was loving it (O might I say the score is freaking awesome). Then we got to the Hotel, where my mother exclaimed"O this is the hotel and the shower scene!!!". And so that quirky dude was introduced and immediately I knew he was the killer. The whole time he was having a conversation with that lady I thought "what kind of movie is this going to be where we already know who the killer is???". So I went through a process........It'd be lame if the son was the killer or even if the mother was just the killer. The twist had to be that the quirky dude dresses up as his mom and killed everyone (he seemed like the kind that could be mentally unstable). That seemed rly freaky to me..........
I didn't think though that he kept the corpse of his mother though, I was thinking it was a puppet. That surprised me and amped up how cookoo this dude was lol.

But overall I thought the plot was rly straight forward and wasn't really all that scary. Maybe because there's so many crazy stories about wack jobs doing ridiculous/horrible things.......
To be fair, I have trouble recalling movies that truly scare me anymore. I could name a ton that creeped me out but never rly scared me.....Psycho I feel is one of those movies.

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