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Predator (1987)

Visitor Comments

Re: Predator (1987)
Added by Scott   on 2004-08-18 18:49:16

You guys need to get better reviewers. Where should I begin. Paragraph 1 - the guy acknowledges it's a Alien knock-off but then calls it fresh, unique, original... blahblahblah.

I guess he's never done much reading. There have been tons of hunting movies where the tables are turned - hunter becomes the hunted, blahblahblah. There was even a Gilligan's Island episode about the same thing!

"Arnold proves he can act...." Yikes! And just a few lines later, he says that the Predator creature is the real star.

"The final showdown between man and Predator is one of the finest in cinema history" Whadafuck? How? Why? And then he goes on and says that the ending is far-fetched!

This movie wasn't shot in South America. It was shot in Mexico. The last time I checked a map, Mexico was part of North America.

You guys do try to do some fact checking right?

Re: Predator (1987)
Added by Darren Fogg   on 2004-08-19 01:07:57

I acutally do not have a problem with any other reviewers except this one. He always contradicts himself and his writing is so elementary. I concur.

Re: Predator (1987)
Added by scott wampler   on 2004-08-19 09:23:01

you guys both sound like the same person. this isnt the best review in the world but your really going after him. ive read alot worse. at least he has the guts to say predator is a great movie. i concur.

Re: Predator (1987)
Added by Marie   on 2004-08-19 12:29:41

They're not talking about guts. It's the writing style. This so-called movie guru always gets his stuff wrong.

Re: Predator (1987)
Added by The Real Movie King   on 2004-08-19 13:49:59

I concur!:-)

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