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Beetlejuice (1988)

Visitor Comments

You are fuckin' silly
Added by AC Supreme   on 2005-04-22 14:35:30

Okay, apparently you did not get this movie and that's okay. Simply write "I did not get this movie, it's not my cup of tea (or whatever dumb expression you tend to use). I am not some Burton-a-holic, nor am I a Huge fan of the movie. However, I did enjoy the movie and I think you totally missed the mark on your description. The synapsis was correct, however, you failed to see the humor, irony, and beauty that the movie posses. I hate you...

Basically, I feel cheated for reading your review.

By the way, the whole "name three times summon thing" is Bloody Mary. Not Candy Man you dum wit.

Wu-Tang is here forever, mother fucker!

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