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Black Sheep (1996)

Visitor Comments

Re: Black Sheep (1996)
Added by carl   on 2003-12-24 18:17:11

ur right, b/c chris farley is twice as funny as john candy ever was...but candy had talent, just farley could make me laugh harder

Re: Black Sheep (1996)
Added by John Ulmer (email) on 2004-02-28 16:37:19

I think Candy had more talent and could generate laughs much more than Farley. The thing is, you'd have to see some of his finer skills. Cheap comedies like "Nothing But Trouble" and "Armed and Dangerous" made him look desperately unfunny. Farley got lucky because he had a good run on SNL, made a few decent comedies like this and then died. Had he continued his streak of cliched comedies, he would have soon become as tiresome as people claim Adam Sandler is. How many more Happy Gilmore-style comedies are we going to have to put up with? The Waterboy, Anger Management, The Wedding Singer...all losers with anger problems.

I digress...

Check out Planes, Trains and Automobiles, Uncle Buck, JFK, and SCTV and you'll find that John Candy did everything Farley did...and more.

It's really PTA that shows his skills though. It's his best comedy and my favorite of all time. Almost anyone who's seen it will tell you both Martin and Candy deserved Oscar noms, but as we all know, comedies are frowned upon by the Academy.

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