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Thunderbirds (2004)

Visitor Comments

Re: Thunderbirds (2004)
Added by Joe Rickey   on 2004-08-07 18:21:10

One word to sum up 'Thunderbirds' - Servicable. It never wows or enthralls the way the 'Spy Kids' film were able to and contains some questionable directorial choices to be sure, but still manages to be fun in a corny, nostalgic sort of way. It ranks above 'Agent Cody Banks: Destination London' and below the aforementioned 'Spy Kids' films (Except for maybe the dumb third outing) and the pre-teen heist film from earlier this year, 'Catch that Kid.' 'Thunderbirds' certainly didn't deserve to flop as badly as it did; not even making enough to open in the top 10 opening weekend.

Added by Tim Holmes (email) on 2005-01-13 19:24:47

I remember watching part of the TV series they had on G4TechTV, and all I can say is that it was the stupidest show I'd ever seen from the seventies(?) ever. That's all the reason I need not to see the movie.

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