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Wild Things (1998)

Visitor Comments

Re: Wild Things (1998)
Added by carl langley   on 2004-05-23 12:42:30

yeah, i agree with your review. this movie was like Basic in regards to plot twists, there were so many of them that i just wanted to shred the screenplay when the movie was over.

Re: Wild Things (1998)
Added by John Ulmer   on 2004-05-23 18:57:41

The difference between something like this and The Usual Suspects, I think, is that it just tries to trick the audience. The Usual Suspects was more sophisticated, with better acting, more believable situations. It didn't constantly try to screw around with everything to make the audience gasp, and when it did, there was usually a point. And when you watch The Usual Suspects over and over, it gets better, and you notice certain things that you didn't pick up on before, whereas Wild Things doesn't make any sense twice around. So much of it is manipulative, and a lot of the scenes that occur early on don't make sense after you know the plot twist.

Re: Wild Things (1998)
Added by Jake Cremins   on 2004-05-26 14:53:10

I dunno...I really loved 'Wild Things.' It fooled me into thinking it was serious at first, but around the time Bill Murray showed up as a lawyer with an office the size of a shoebox I realized that it was all one big, gigantic joke. It took such delight in its ridiculous plot twists and gratuitous sleaze that I couldn't help but be delighted right back. I think it's kind of brilliant.

Re: Wild Things (1998)
Added by Joe Rickey   on 2004-08-09 03:26:14

I found this film to be fairly entertaining. The sequel, on the other hand...

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