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Van Helsing (2004)

Visitor Comments

Re: Van Helsing (2004)
Added by Joe Rickey   on 2004-05-09 03:24:17

I, too, found myself enjoying 'Van Helsing'. It may theoretically seem too long at 145 minutes but unlike 'The Mummy Returns', this film just flies by; you don't have to wait more than a few moments for something interesting to happen. The action sequences are well-filmed, Jackman is suitable in the lead role, and Beckinsale sizzles as the leading lady. The film's attempts at humor also hit their mark often enough to be effective, though 'Hellboy' had better humor. I'd definitely welcome a sequel, but I wonder who or what Van Helsing would have left over to do battle with in the sequel.

This weekend (May 7-9) definitely had two of the more fast-paced films of the year thus far (VH along with NY Minute) that, to be a little corny if I may, fly by in a 'New York Minute'.

Re: Van Helsing (2004)
Added by Joseph Kastner (email, web) on 2004-05-09 19:22:32

I had the same feeling about Van Helsing as I did with Hellboy - didn't absolutely hate it nor did I love either. The first 1/3 of the film was exciting, which made the other two-thirds of the film all the more disappointing.

If you have an extreme love for Bram Stoker's Dracula then this is definitely not your film.

Re: Van Helsing (2004)
Added by John Ulmer   on 2004-05-12 09:02:49

I wasn't too thrilled with the trailer I saw. I enjoyed The Mummy but I think that "Van Helsing" looks quite silly, like LXG or something. Hopefully I'll be surprised by it.

Re: Van Helsing (2004)
Added by Kevin   on 2004-05-22 22:24:56

This movie was terrible. Non stop special effects isn't enought to make a movie.

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